Synching in progress

32nd Kearns Christmas

Due to the unfortunate circumstances of COVID-19, we will not have our Kearns Christmas celebration . However, to maintain our fellowship and connectedness, we've created this site to serve as a hub where we can share our Christmas experiences and memories.

Thank you for celebrating with us. We ask that you sign the virtual guest book.

You also have the opportunity to share pictures from your celebrations with our extended family.

We're looking forward to gathering in person next year!

Countdown to Christmas

Merry Christmas!

What is the meaning of Christmas?


At A Glance

Our History

How it all started with the Kearns


Our schedule and future Kearns Christmas schedules will be here

Coming Next Year


Please contact Judith Hamm below

Let's Get Social

2019 Kearns Christmas Stats




Number of people attended



People count increase from 2018

+00° F

Temperature difference from 2018

Have news, memories, or ideas?

Feel free to share any updates on our Disqus community page. Or if you have a Facebook, feel free to drop us a line on there as well!

How are you celebrating Christmas?

This section is to make our Kearns Christmas as real as possible. If each family group shares pictures of how they celebrate 2020, we can feel we are celebrating.

We encourage all families to make a comment on your pictures to identify those present and any other information you want to share.

Just like Thanksgiving, anyone can join the album! Just login with your Google account and click "join." You should be able to see the album under "sharing." Click here to see instructions for adding pictures from a computer.

You should be able to just add your photos directly to the album from your phone.

Don't want the hassle of uploading your photos to Google?

Just use the form below and we'll do it for you.

If file size exceeds 25MB, please click here to upload your content.

Sign our guest book

Thank you for helping to uphold the family tradition!

to our guest book!

We are still keeping the sign-in tradition!

to our guest book!

We are still keeping the sign-in tradition!

Step 1.

Step 2.

to our guest book!

We are still keeping the sign-in tradition!